supermountain header 430 scaled 1
supermountain header 768 scaled 1
A group of people is standing on the terrace infront of the Super Mountain Market.

Super-Mountain-Putting in St. Moritz


artikel golfmagic maker putter review feb
Best Golf Putters 2024

Best Golf Putters 2024 is here – and the Maker is convincing!

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The Golfer Times

The Story of Golfyr: Reinventing Golf

artikel migroszeitschrift mai
Golfplus / Das Migros Golf Magazin

Die Migros Golf freut sich, das Start-up Golfyr als neuen Partner zu begrüssen.

swiss golf
Swiss Golf Magazin

Golfyr: Edle Schweizer Golfschläger – produziert um zu vergeben.

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Golf WRX

Sergio Garcia uses putter that even most equipment junkies won’t have heard of before

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Golf Magic

Sergio Garcia Using a Putter 0.01% of Golf fans have ever seen

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Golf Monthly

Sergio Garcia Seen Using Brand New Putter At LIV Golf Mayakoba

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NZZ am Sonntag

Golf: Ein Schläger, gemacht, um zu vergeben

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NZZ Bellevue

Alfredo Häberli hat mit Golfyr einen Golfschläger designt

Test Reviews

article the hottest putter of 2024 600x600 1
The Golfer Times

The Hottest Putter of 2024: the Maker 3

golfyr premier maker 3 putter review
Golfyr Premier Maker 3 Putter Review

GolfMagic tests out the Golfyr Premier Maker 3 putter

Test Review by Joel Tadman
Test Review by Joel Tadman

I Tested Sergio Garcia’s Unusual New Putter And Now I Know Why He Chose It

Alfredo Häberli holding two golf balls in front of him as if they were eyes
Alfredo Häberli holding two golf balls in front of him as if they were eyes
Alfredo Häberli holding two golf balls in front of him as if they were eyes
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